
A Collection of Acrylic Paintings

By Cher La Gattuta

Shimmering Nights




I can remember at the age of 8, running home from art school with my first completed painting! At the time, I thought I was painting a little girl in a garden dress and scarf tied around her hair. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s, that my mother pointed out to me, that the little girl looked like a younger version of my her! And sure enough, It did!

By Cher LaGattuta Age 8

I believe, every artist paints with conscience and sub conscience. I am not exempt from that. While I have no particular “rule” of painting, I tend to stay with bold, bright colors and larger than life strokes. But everything I paint- has meaning. Purpose. I can not sign it, until it speaks to me on some level and THAT is my goal for the eye of the beholder. There is no greater complement I can receive than when someone tells me… “This painting really speaks to me”.

If you look at a painting, and I mean really look- and feel nothing, Then that one is not for you. But we humans, are not all that different in so far as, we all feel hurts, happiness, fear, excitement, sorrow and more. We all recognize beauty, as our eyes see it. I have tried to express that in all my paintings. Can you see it?

Let it tell a story. Whatever story you want to be told. Find it in a painting!

If you are interested in purchasing any of my paintings, Email me at I’d be happy to answer questions you may have and address your interests!

Thanks for visiting my Art Page!



By Cher La Gattuta Age 8


“Somewhere Out There”